Suckler cow ‘888’ from the Teagasc Kildalton Suckler herd is in the top 1% of all Suckler cows in Ireland for the Replacement Index with a calving interval of 365 days after 9 calvings. She is sired by ‘Hymour’ and out of a ‘BBL’ cow. She has an ‘SEV’ heifer calf at foot.
Herdplus are running a photo competition in the run up to the Beef Herdplus Journal being published later this year.
If you have a good photo of one of your Suckler cows please email the photo to [email protected] with her tag number included before Monday the 2nd of June 2014.
The photos will be judged not only on the quality of the cow but also on her €uro-Star indexes and progeny performance details.
The selected cows will be featured on the ICBF website and also in the upcoming Beef Herdplus Journal.