The September 2021 Evaluation will be published on 28th September. The final date to have any DNA samples (hair/tissue/AI straws returned to ICBF to have genomic evaluation published in September, is 7th July.

DNA Samples

Any outstanding hair sample kits already on farm should also be returned. New orders can be placed by logging into your HerdPlus account on Alternatively, hair card orders can be processed over the phone. Once ordered, hair sample kits will be posted immediately to the herdowner.

AI Straws

It is very important that AI bulls are genotyped asap. ICBF will not issue an AI code for any bull unless a genotype has been received into the database. AI bulls can be genotyped via semen. Straws do not have to be viable, therefore they can be sent by post.

If you have any queries, please contact ICBF on 023-8820452 or email [email protected].

How to order a Genotype online?