5-star cows have the best performance in fertility and calving.

A recent study of 145,000 females that calved for the first time in 2018 on Irish suckler farms found that 5-star cows calved younger, had fewer calving issues, produced more calves, had shorter calving intervals, and lived longer.

While suckler herds mainly focus on beef production (either selling live or finishing), cow fertility is essential for herd productivity and long-term success. Research from Teagasc shows that one of the best ways to increase the profitability of a suckler herd is to reduce the age at first calving to 24 months. Fewer difficult calvings reduce labour, mortality, and veterinary costs. A herd with a calving interval close to 365 days will produce a calf every year at the same time, which is critical for seasonal calving systems.

What Does the Data Show?

Table 1 compares the fertility and calving performance of 1-star and 5-star cows that calved for the first time in 2018. The data covers calvings from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2024. By only using animals that calved for the first time in 2018 you are ensuring that the cohort of animals in the analysis is consistent throughout the 7 year period (2018-2024).

Table 1. Analysis of fertility and calving performance of 145k suckler females that calved for the first time in 2018. 

Key Results for 5-Star Cows:

  • Calved as a first-calver 2.7 months younger.
  • Had 6.9% fewer difficult calvings as first-time calvers, and 4.2% over their lifetime.
  • Produced 1.07 extra calves over their lifetime
  • Had a 36-day shorter average calving interval
  • 17% more were still alive on the farm in 2024

The most notable result is that 5-star cows produced one extra calf over their lifetime. This extra calf adds revenue to the herd. For example, in a herd of 20 cows, 5-star cows would have produce an extra 21 calves over their lifetime. 5-star cows produced an average of 4.98 calves

from 2018-2024 (20 x 4.98 = 99.6 calves). 1-star cows produced an average of 3.91 calves in the same period (20 x 3.91 = 78.2 calves). This increased output is due to calving at a younger age, having shorter calving intervals, and surviving longer.

Key Message

Suckler farmers can be confident that using the Euro-Star Replacement Index and breeding with the highest index bulls will lead to more fertile, easier-to-manage suckler cows, which will put more calves on the ground, leaving more money in their pockets.