ICBF have added a new tab to the animal search facility to view the impact of genomics in the genetic evaluations. This new tab now gives users of the animal search the ability to view the impact of genomics versus traditional data.
In the first image below, we can see the animal search page for LM2150. We know that this bull has been genotyped from the green bar stating ‘Genotype included in evaluation’. If this green bar is not present, it means that there is currently no genomic data included in this animal’s evaluation.
On the right hand side of the page you will now notice that there is a tab labeled ‘Geno Eval’. This tab is an index comparison and displays Current Official Proof, Current Non-Genomic Proof and Previous Official Proof figures (see below). This tab is really useful as it allows users to compare both the Genomic data and Phenotypic data for that particular animal.