If you only make one New Year’s resolution, make it HerdPlus! Don’t think of HerdPlus membership as a luxury that you can’t afford next year…… you can’t afford to be without it!
HerdPlus is the breeding information service operated by ICBF which offers herds a suite of management reports, online tools and applications to help farmers make better breeding decisions and ultimately more profit.
With close to 20,000 dairy and beef herds signed up to the service, HerdPlus is proving an invaluable tool for any progressive farmer who is looking at increasing their profits through breeding.
The cost of this service is €60 (inc VAT) per year for herds receiving breeding information products from ICBF electronically and €120 (inc VAT) for herds receiving the products from ICBF by post.
Dairy – Reports and Applications | |
For more information call us on 1850 600 900