Beef Liveweight Output is a figure requested as part of the BTAP Baseline Survey. Beef Liveweight Output is a measure of the liveweight produced on the farm. It equals sales less purchases +/- inventory change (all in kg of liveweight).
The definition of Inventory Change in this regard is:
Inventory change is the difference in Kgs of liveweight on hand from the start of the year to the end of the year. Multiply the number of extra/less animals by approximate liveweight to get total Kgs. This figure should then be added/subtracted to the sales less purchases figure to be included in the Kgs output per Ha figure.
Inventory change-Simply put livestock inventory puts a measure on the number of each class of livestock in hand. Inventory change measures any change in these numbers that may have occurred from the start of the year to the end of the year.
For Example
Start of year numbers: 40 cows x 650kg = 26000kg Liveweight
End of year figures: 40 cows x 650kg = 26000kg Liveweight
8 1-2 year old heifers x 500kg = 4000kg Liveweight
Total Liveweight at year end = 30000kg Liveweight
The inventory change is this example is an increase of 4000kg and this should be added to the figure for sales less purchases to arrive at a beef liveweight output figure.