The latest HerdPlus Beef Bull Tracker reports are now available for viewing online under the reports section.This report will show you how a Bull that you owned or bred has performed in the years after he was sold in terms of the quantity and quality of stock that it sired including calving, weight, fertility and slaughter data where available.
The report includes data over the last 3 years on:
- Current Stock Bulls – Bulls which are currently in your herd and which have been registered as the sire of at least 1 calf
- Past Stock Bulls – Bulls which were in your herd and which have been registered as the sire of at least 1 calf in your herd
- Bulls sold for breeding – Bulls that were born in or bought into your herd who sired no calves in your herd but have sired calves in other herds
Please see example report below.
The Beef Bull Tracker Reports are available to view on-line. Check out how your bulls have performed! If you’re having difficulty accessing your report, please call the HerdPlus office on 1850-600-900 or 023-8820452.