The following is a list of herd books that ICBF provide services to :




Ayrshire Cattle Society of Great Britain & Ireland


+44 (0)1292 471292

Irish Aberdeen Angus Association*


071 9632099

Belgian Blue Cattle Breeding *


087 2023933

Irish Angus Cattle Society Ltd


071 9620253

Irish Aubrac Cattle Society Ltd


051 641106

Irish Blonde d’Aquitaine Breed Co-op Ltd


089 4182260

Irish Charolais Cattle Society Ltd *


01 4198050

Irish Hereford Breed Society


044 9348855

Irish Holstein Friesian Association


023 8833443

Irish Limousin Cattle Society Ltd *


025 85036

Irish Moiled Cattle Society


+44(0)77 66033867

Irish Normande Cattle Society


021 4811584

Irish Parthenaise Cattle Breed Soc. Ltd *


087 2525100

Irish Piemontese Cattle Society Ltd


087 638 1199

Irish Shorthorn Society Ltd *


086 0461442

Irish Simmental Cattle Society Ltd *


057 9324577

Irish Speckle Park Cattle Society Ltd 087 9272049

Jersey Cattle Society of Ireland


086 0671077

Kerry Cattle Society of Ireland


064 31840

Meuse Rhine Issel Cattle Society of Ireland Ltd


087 2114227

Montbeliarde Cattle Society


051 641106

Norwegian Red Cattle Society of Ireland Ltd 025 27528

Saler Cattle Society *


0505 42245

* Herdbook online available