Almost 7,500 Weekly Fertility Reports have been generated across 5,325 herds over the past 4 weeks! With the breeding season now well under way, it is more important than ever to track your herd’s fertility performance.
Please note that it must be at least 14 days since your first AI service of the breeding season for the graph (b) to display any information. Some of the KPI’s (c) will also only display after a certain number of days into the breeding season e.g. 21-day submission rate etc.
The Weekly Fertility Report is broken down into 7 sections as follows:
- Section (a) displays your Calving Summary Data for this Spring.
- Section (b) displays a graph of your Current Herd Submission Rate compared with the Teagasc Target (dashed line).
- Section (c) displays your Fertility Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which include 21- and 42-day submission rates for both cows and heifers.
- NEW-Section (d) displays a breakdown of your bull team usage for the current and previous year, highlighting the most used bull in both years.
- NEW-Section (e) displays the breeding guidelines for your herd, i.e. the minimum number of bulls required and maximum usage per bull that is recommended for your herd.
- NEW-Section (f) displays a detailed breakdown of the bulls used in your herd since the mating start-date.
- Section (g) contains an Action List of Cows not yet submitted for service that have calved greater than 30 days.
Please see example report below.
Fore more information on the Bull Team Usage Report, check out our recent web post
How to access the Weekly Fertility Report?
- Log-in to your HerdPlus account and go to ‘Reports’ –> ‘All Reports’.
2. Select ‘Fertility’ followed by ‘Weekly Fertility Report’
3. Enter your herd’s calving and mating start dates and click ‘Generate Report’.
4. Once the report has generated you will be prompted to ‘Download File’.
We recommend that you generate this report regularly throughout the breeding season for optimum results.
Note: Cows not intended for breeding should be marked for culling in our ‘Mark for Culling’ screen, to ensure that they do not affect your herd’s submission rate or appear in your herd’s ‘Action List’.
If you have any queries on the Weekly Fertility Report, please contact the HerdPlus office on 023-8820452 or email