BDGP 31st Oct Deadline Passes

Saturday 31st Oct was the final target date for herds participating in BDGP I (2015-2020). Herds were required to have the equivalent to 50% of their reference number in genotyped 4 or 5-star females. While the final numbers will not be known until after the 24th November genetic evaluation, the vast majority of the 22,500 participating herds look on course to meet the final 31st Oct 50% target.

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Dairy Gene Ireland programme now in it’s 16th year

Gene Ireland is the name of the national dairy breeding programme in Ireland and it forms an extremely important part of the Dairy Industry. The aim of the programme is to provide dairy farmers with the best genetics through a coordinated progeny test programme. Now in its 16th year, the program has delivered over €200 million to Irish dairy farmers through increased genetic gain. (more…)

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