New HerdPlus Dairy Sire Advice – Now Live
ICBF have just launched a new and improved version of the HerdPlus Dairy Sire Advice Application today. Sire Advice is an application that is available to all dairy HerdPlus users. (more…)
ICBF have just launched a new and improved version of the HerdPlus Dairy Sire Advice Application today. Sire Advice is an application that is available to all dairy HerdPlus users. (more…)
Gene Ireland is the name given to the Dairy breeding programme in Ireland. An effective breeding programme is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of top genetic bulls from a wide range of high EBI sires for farmers to choose from each year. (more…)
The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation will officially use 023-8820452 as our telephone number. From the 1st of March, 023-8820452 will officially…
5 star Salers bull Spiddal Pat (SA4461) (Variegeois x Egard) is now available to order from Gene Ireland at €5 per straw. He has a replacement index of €155. (more…)
EdX in conjunction with Wageningen University and Research are offering a free 7 week online course on Animal Breeding and Genetics. This online course opens on the 13th of February. (more…)
We have improved the existing Current Milk Recording Profile to make the data more useful for management decisions. The profile is available to all milk recording herds. (more…)
Farmers, If you have a calf that is born with an abnormality, please let us know.
How to Record Calf Abnormalities (more…)