EBI – Your Questions Answered
Why does the EBI value of my animals keep changing?
Ans: This is probably one of the most common questions about the EBI system (more…)
Why does the EBI value of my animals keep changing?
Ans: This is probably one of the most common questions about the EBI system (more…)
The ICBF ‘Terminal Index’ has a different makeup than the more talked about ‘Replacement Index’. A recent analysis of the Sires of Irish Show winners underlines the fact that when it comes to using indexes it really is a case of ‘Horses for Courses’. (more…)
On Monday and Tuesday, a group from Finland visited the ICBF Tully Test Centre. The group also visited the farm of Heinz Eggert, Sallins, Co. Kildare. (more…)
It’s late, you’re tired and your inputting data as part of the BDGP scheme for ICBF. It’s a fair enough question to ask – what do they actually do with all the data? (more…)
There are currently over 200 cattle being progeny tested in Tully. The 209 commercial cattle being progeny tested in Tully consist of: (more…)
Check out this Video of progeny from HHJ at ICBF’s Tully Test Centre. Both animals were bred by H. Nicholson, Co. Meath and are videoed here at 15 months of age. (more…)
The ICBF ‘Animal Search’ facility allows ICBF users to search for females in HerdPlus/BDGP herds.
This facility is having a significant impact on the breeding industry in Ireland. This feature can be used by anyone and can be found on the right hand side of the ICBF home screen. (more…)
ICBF has a system for estimating the star ratings for a beef bull. Below is a quick explanation of it? (more…)
Reliability or Rel is the measure of accuracy or degree of confidence in the genetic index for a particular animal. Reliability is important when assessing an index (more…)