How ICBF and cattle genetics are changing the sustainability game
The latest addition to the ICBF presentations page is a presentation on ‘How ICBF and cattle genetics are changing the sustainability game’ put together by Kevin Downing ICBF.
The latest addition to the ICBF presentations page is a presentation on ‘How ICBF and cattle genetics are changing the sustainability game’ put together by Kevin Downing ICBF.
The Dairy HerdPlus User Guide is aimed at helping you make full use of your Dairy HerdPlus membership. The HerdPlus service will furnish you with the breeding and management tools you need to maximise profit on your farm.
The trends in Pedigree beef registrations for 2017 have remained consistent with trends in preceding years. Total beef pedigree registrations have…
The latest proofs (Eurostar and EBI figures) have now been updated and are available to view on every animal in your HerdPlus profiles. All AI bulls have also been updated. (more…)
Ahead of the upcoming bull sales season, it is timely to remind bull buyers of the benefits of purchasing a bull from a herd that has successfully carried out a Whole Herd Performance Recording (WHPR) visit. (more…)
We are delighted to present you with the latest list of dairy bulls which have been selected for the Autumn Dairy Gene Ireland program.
The dairy breeding program is a key component of the Irish dairy industry (more…)
Herds participating in the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) that use a stock bull(s) are required to have at least one eligible stock bull in the herd on 30 June 2019. These herds are also required to have an eligible stock bull on 30 June 2020. (more…)
This date should be of particular importance to pedigree breeders with ungenotyped bulls that they intend to sell in spring 2019. (more…)