Seasons Greetings from all at ICBF
From all of us at ICBF, we would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas. We will close Friday (Dec 23rd) for the Christmas break and re-open on Tuesday the 3rd of January 2022. (more…)
From all of us at ICBF, we would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas. We will close Friday (Dec 23rd) for the Christmas break and re-open on Tuesday the 3rd of January 2022. (more…)
Based on figures calculated by Animal Health Ireland’s Cell Check Quick Calculator, the cost of mastitis for a herd averaging 300-400,000 cells/mL is estimated at €186.26/cow/year. For a 100-cow herd, this amounts to a staggering €18,626 reduction in profit. (more…)
Hair Samples should be pulled from the end of the tail. The hair must be clean and dry with the roots…
The March 2023 Evaluation will be published on 21st March. The final date to have any DNA samples (hair/tissue/AI straws returned to ICBF to have genomic evaluation published in March, is 28th December 2022. (more…)
On the first of November, the Beef Environmental Efficiency Programme – Suckler (BEEP-S) came to a close alongside the Dairy-Beef Calf Scheme. In total there was 24,092 suckler herds that submitted weights for the BEEP-S scheme, with 493,295 pairs weighed overall. (more…)
Maximising the beef potential of the dairy herd - Alan Twomey, Teagasc & Ross Evans, ICBF at the Teagasc National Dairy…
3 Critical Steps-
Our next Charolais bull is CH8571 – Recif, a French bred bull from the herd of Thierry Frecon, France. A high terminal index (€136) bull with great carcass weight and docility. +35.9Kg for carcass weight, puts this bull in the top 2% for carcass weight across all breeds. He is 4 stars within breed and 5 stars across all breeds on the terminal index. An easy calving pedigree, this bull is 4.5% for cows, which is ideal to reduce time and stress at calving. (more…)