Thinking of Buying a Bull? Check his Euro-Star Index Before Making your Decision.
Pearse Kelly, Head of Teagasc Drystock gives some excellent advice on interpreting the Euro-Star index of a bull. (more…)
Pearse Kelly, Head of Teagasc Drystock gives some excellent advice on interpreting the Euro-Star index of a bull. (more…)
Teagasc Beef Specialist James Keane profiles Longford suckler farmer John Kelly and how he used the Euro-Star indexes to improve his herd’s breeding performance.
Can you spare 5 minutes to complete a survey on new technologies in Dairy Farms? (more…)
The delivery of high genetic merit bulls for breeding programmes is essential if Irish breeders are to achieve sustained profit growth through genetic gain in their herds. (more…)
Following is a listing of Ireland’s top Dairy AI Sires together with an analysis of the list & a guide as to how to select bulls for use in a dairy herd in Ireland.
You can search for a Beef Pedigree Breeder that is in the Gene Ireland Program in the attached list.
We would like to obtain a better understanding of the priority farmers would give to calving difficulty traits in future genetic selection decisions for the Irish beef and dairy industries. (more…)
A new button will be added to the health and disease web screen to indicate when all animals are healthy on the farm.