Beef Stats – Monaghan has most calves/cow/year
Following the release of the HerdPlus Beef Calving Statistics we have taken a closer look at some important Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). (more…)
Following the release of the HerdPlus Beef Calving Statistics we have taken a closer look at some important Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). (more…)
Following the release of the HerdPlus Beef Calving Statistics we have taken a closer look at some important Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). (more…)
The WHPR stamp is now appearing on Sales Catalogues and on the ICBF Animal Search. Bull’s with the stamp have been independently weighed by ICBF and their Breeder’s are taking part in the ICBF Whole Herd Performance Recording (WHPR) program.
Following is a list of upcoming sales where the stamp will be displayed.
There are some important BDGP deadlines which are fast approaching. The DAFM have stated that all genomic tissue tags and all data for calves born up to 30 June 2017 must be returned by 7th December in order to receive payment in mid December. (more…)
Last Friday night, ICBF’s Andrew Cromie received the Irish Grassland Association’s (IGA) Lifetime Merit award at a special event in Kilkenny. (more…)
The following text has been issued to herds that received their Beef Data and Genomics Programme II (BDGP II) tag selection letter. (more…)
The 2017 HerdPlus Beef Calving reports were published recently. This report is designed to give farmers an in depth insight into the reproductive performance of their herds. (more…)
What is the Stockbull Finder?
The ‘Stockbull Finder’ is the new online Bull Sales section on the ICBF website. Only bulls from WHPR herds that have been weighed and scored will be included. (more…)
ICBF are conducting this anonymous survey to gauge your perceptions of disbudding (dehorning) and its impact on your farm. (more…)