Number of Records in ICBF Evaluations
ICBF is now publishing a file during each evaluation highlighting the count of records included in the latest evaluation including the number of new records added between each evaluation. (more…)
ICBF is now publishing a file during each evaluation highlighting the count of records included in the latest evaluation including the number of new records added between each evaluation. (more…)
Miriam and Benny Sheridan run the Randalstown Charolais herd near Navan in Co. Meath. The herd consists of 10 pedigree Charolais cows, 5 pedigree Charolais heifers, 4 commercial cows and 4 pedigree Charolais young bulls. The Sheridans breed animals destined for both the suckler and dairy herd. As a result, the traits that are most important in this herd when making breeding decisions are calving ease, fertility, docility, carcass and milk. (more…)
Sean Treacy is an organic farmer who runs a suckler to beef system on 41ha near Thomastown Co. Kilkenny. The herd consists of 22 suckler cows and 27 steers. The overall herd Replacement Index has seen a gradual increase from €85 in 2015 to €107 in 2020. Sean has been an active HerdPlus member since 2017. (more…)
The January 2021 evaluation figures are now available for all dairy and beef animals. The ICBF Animal Search, Active Bull Lists and Stock Bull Finder have all been updated. (more…)
Thomas Hogan runs a suckler to store enterprise on 55ha just outside Nenagh Co. Tipperary. The herd consists of 55 suckler cows, 12 replacement heifers and 27 steers. Steers are sold in the mart at around 18 months along with surplus heifers. The store system works well for Thomas as it allows him to run cows and calves in the one group. (more…)
We are delighted to announce the 3rd annual FBD Breeding Competition in conjunction with FBD, ICBF and Sheep Ireland. While it is disappointing that we cannot host a physical awards ceremony this year, we will be posting about the 2020 competition over the coming weeks. (more…)
Have you ever wondered why some features are available on your laptop/PC but not on your smartphone or tablet device e.g. Sire Advice? (more…)
The March 2021 Evaluation will be published on 23rd March. The final date to have any DNA samples (hair/tissue/AI straws returned to ICBF to have genomic evaluation published in March, is 30th December. (more…)
Gestation length refers to the number of days that the fetus is developing between insemination and calving. ICBF have recently updated the gestation length figures based on insemination and calving data recorded over the past number of years. These updated figures will result in more accurate expected calving dates for animals going forward. (more…)