The following is a list of beef pedigree – country of origin trends from 2018:
- 70% of all pedigree calves born in 2018 were sired by Irish Sires.
- Consequently, 30% of all pedigree calves, across the breeds, born in 2018, were sired by foreign sires.
- These foreign Sires originated from 10 different countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, UK & USA.
- Within the various breeds, the proportion of calves sired by foreign sires varies from 12% (Shorthorn) to 81% (Belgian Blue).
- The proportion of pedigree calves sired by Irish bulls has increased from 58% in 2013 to 70% in 2018.
- The UK has also retained its place as being the most popular foreign source of sires of pedigree calves (16%), just ahead of France (13%).