We are delighted to have Dr. Tim Byrne, AbacusBio, Edinburgh as a confirmed speaker for the ICBF & Sheep Ireland Genetics Conference taking place 5th & 6th December 2018 at the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone.
Working for AbacusBio in Edinburgh as a genetics consultant with a range of technology, agribusiness and breeder clients, Tim has a depth of knowledge of production systems in New Zealand and internationally and has worked in a wide range of areas including systems for the integration of leading-edge production and molecular genetics technologies, cost-benefit analysis of DNA-marker integration, electronic identification, and automated drafting systems. This includes development of multi-trait economic selection indexes for beef and dairy cattle, and sheep throughout New Zealand and internationally. When working in ICBF and Sheep Ireland Tim helped to develop the breeding programme design and implementation in the Irish industry, and in the areas of communication and extension.