The 2017 Carbon Navigator is now available to participants in the Beef Data & Genomics Programme to be completed by 30th September.
The Carbon Navigator is produced by Bord Bia and Teagasc to measure environmental gains that can be made on farm. One of the objectives of the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) is to reduce the intensity of Green House Gas emissions by improving the quality and efficiency of the national beef herd. The Carbon Navigator is a key tool to help measure these emissions and is therefore a requirement of the programme.
The Carbon Navigator can be completed by paper forms or on-line. If participants prefer to complete it on-line it can be accessed under the “Services” section on their ICBF login page. Go to “Services“ and select the option “Beef Data & Genomics”. There you will see the 2017 tab to update (see screenshot). It is very important to save when completed. This can be done by pressing the “Save “button on the bottom right hand side of the screen.
The information required to be updated includes both the housing and turnout dates for Suckler cows and yearlings/other cattle. However, if the farmer is out wintering animals there is an option to tick 100% out wintering. Nitrogen usage and concentrate usage for 2017 for the beef enterprise is also required. The fertiliser or meal used by other enterprises on the farm are not included e.g. for sheep. There is an example given for converting the Nitrogen in a compound fertiliser to the CAN equivalent. Slurry management is the final requirement. Record here the percentages spread in spring, summer and autumn of 2017 and tick which method was used. Keep a copy of what is recorded on the form for your own records.
Points of note for participants
- Farmers should complete the Carbon Navigator either online or using the postal survey form no later than 30th September 2018.
- The BDGP helpline can be contacted on 023 883 2883 or email [email protected].
- Contact your Teagasc Adviser or Agricultural consultant if you need assistance with updating your Carbon Navigator.